Friday 6 February 2009

Hello everyone...yes i'm back in the internet cafe again! I don't think i will be spending so much time on here usually but we are still in Ranthambhore as we have decided to limit our driving around and this shop seems very reliable. Last night julia left her bag here by mistake and didnt realise until 10.30pm..we came back but it was closed, luckily after knocking and someone driving past and helping get the man's attention he came down. he took us upstairs to the room and there was her bag, untouched!! so amazing and so lucky!! he introduced himself as Kiki and was very friendly. Nice to have our faith restored in people!

Lizzy is feeling much better today and i am even better still, we even made it to the fort in Ranthambhore...very beautiful but very hot! we have changed our travel plans so that we spend another night here then travel to Pushkar for 3 nights (6hours driving) and then to Jaipur (maybe 3-4 hours?) for 3 nights and then to Delhi for 1 night before we leave early on he 13th. we havent changed our flights yet but this is the same days julia leaves and think we have had enough! haha. Although we are liking india more again now that we are feeling better!

Im not sure if i can remember lots from the first few days here, in Delhi we stayed in a pretty awful hostel, they were quite rude and unfriendly and we were glad to leave. We were constantly hassled along every street, people trying to sell us things and just in general. We stand out like sore thumbs! Delhi was dirty, lots of homeless people and beggars, we went to connaught place and on the outer ring it felt really dangerous. People kept approaching us telling us to watch our bags and be careful because of the smokers...people huddled up against the outside walls. We rushed through ignoring any people trying to cart us off anywhere!

In Delhi we met a few people, mostly men would stare at us but a few people did stop to chat and one guy even showed us where to eat and had a drink with us..but we think he was also a tout for the tour company we booked through. We thought that we had been ripped off but now that we are ill and it appears that they are very helpful and willing to help but making the journey shorter (if it was longer we would definately have to pay but i think this will be fine) we are happy with what we paid.

1 comment:

Soggibottom said...

Aw honey!!!!
Hum X x x x

Although you really need to find someone who sells beautiful indian cotton before ya go!
Much love
Tony and Michele
Maybe orange ha ha!