Wednesday 4 February 2009


Hello everyone :)
sorry for not posting anything yet...our first 5 days have been beyond crazy!!
This will have to be a quick message because im running out of time and need to get back to the hotel to Lizzy.
We are in Ranthambore, Rajasthan at the moment and Lizzy is very ill, i have also been ill but am recovering now. Our few days spent in Delhi were absolute madness, we stayed in he busiest, probably unsafest part but it was ok...other than being noisy. we have been sucessfully bartering, not that the few rupees we get off are much to us but it is expected here and as long as u look at is as a game it is quite fun. the constant hassling and conning etc has been very tiring and stressful at times but mostly we just walk on ignoring people. it feels like we are celebrities here, everyone wanting to have their photo taken with us, being stared at waving! lizzy is a look-a-like to a bollywood star apparently and so we have extra attention for this.

because of the hassling we booked a tour, probably got completely ripped off and conned but to avoid all the chaos and confusion we thought it would be better. we were driven to agra (6hours) and to ranthambore (7hours!!!) did not know it would be so so long in the back of a car, especially when we are all not well. we think we might change our plans, we will lose some money but we dont think we can cope with such long days driving all the way across india!!

ok, we must hurry back to take lizzy something to eat and make sure she is ok. will try to post some photos next time, when things are less rushed. hope to hear from you all soon and that you are all well, lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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